Apr 052017

No matter how much fun or at home one is made to feel on holiday, there is still something sweet about coming back to the place where one calls “home”. 

As an expat for most of my life, I generally define home as “where my stuff is”. The phrase of “home is where the heart is” seems a bit too cliche for me…😜

Still, home now includes where my hubby and kitties are. In many ways, they are my heart ❀️ indeed. Yet, I also stick with the fact that home is where my stuff is. 

I spent about three hours organizing, unpacking and putting stuff back where it belongs. Of course, it is M’s home as well – the only thing is that he doesn’t put things away much nor has a system of his own. 😬 Still, now it is our things  that make our home my home. There is something satisfying and relaxing to have our things put where they belong for now in our current home, where our things currently are. This makes our home – home. 🏠

So, after about three weeks of preparing for the trip and making my schedule, it is now time to return to normal and focus back on the real world where my heart and home are! 😍

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:16

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