Nov 212016

Sometimes when I take the time to share what is going on in my life or when I stop to think about it, I can see why people say to me, “I do not know how you do it.”

Most of the time I never think about the how or even the why. I just do it. Overall, life is good – really.

However, as I finished up my last yoga teacher training weekend before our final exam, I look out on the edge of this new horizon that I have chosen for my life. Also, as we near the end of 2016, I begin the process of reflection over the past year. All of these perspectives leave me on the edge. On the edge of sanity, on the edge of new journeys, on the edge of business taking off, on the edge of what stepping away from what was into what will be.

As I drove home yesterday fighting the emotions of the day from my yogi classmates and the realization that the year has passed with so many changes for all of us, I found myself also drained and perhaps even a little angry (OK, maybe a lot angry given my road rage and impatience with people).

Life is on the edge – and I am exhausted from it. Each day I wonder what the universe is going to throw at me to deal with. While I seem to do alright with managing myself, I have come to realize that I am losing the capacity and willingness to contribute to helping others manage themselves. For my business, this is a problem as that is the essence of what I do.

So, here I am reconsidering what I do and why I do it. I am reconsidering how I do it. I am reconsidering for whom I do it. There is a lot of considering and reconsidering to be done – with everything still…on the edge.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 12:20

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