Nov 132016

Well, last week I was rather tired. While I do believe it was due to recovering from travel and yoga as I wrote about, I also think there was a lot going on. All that goings-on contributed to catching whatever bug M brought home from work.

So, most of the weekend was spent feeling sick and tired with sneezing bouts, stuffed up noses, scratchy throats and coughs. After a bit of sleep, I feel definitely on the other side of it today; though I cannot say that I have been ‘resting’. πŸ˜›

The weekend was full and fun. We went to our yearly “Taste of Abu Dhabi” event with friends. As usual it was a great time and good fun to spend a day outdoors with grass under our feet, bevvies and food all around. Unlike most years, I did not drink much as I am trying hard to stick to my plan of not over-drinking anymore.

I had a couple of lessons as usual on Saturday, plus an early sun-rise yoga photo shoot (pics to come). When we could, I rested, watched some TV and enjoyed down time.

There really is no time to be truly sick or truly tired, unfortunately…. In any case, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, mind over matter as I like to say!!!!

More to come regularly this week – fingers crossed. For now, I’m on my way out…. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:52

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