Feb 192015

This morning I had perhaps an epiphany – has my mood and brain synapses been altered since I stopped being so diligent with my Paleo diet?

Hm…it is quite possible since I have increased my caffeine, sugar and carb (sugar!) intake quite a bit the past few weeks. I stopped being so focused on Paleo eating because my weight had dropped a bit too much and with the yoga, all of my clothes are now quite too big. Since I cannot afford to buy new clothes and am too lazy to get them properly tailored, I figured I’d just stop thinking about what I’m eating. It’s definitely a lot easier to not have to think about these things – however; now I’m wondering if this is part of the reason why my mind is whirring again and my thoughts are not fully settling down….

I had already planned to return to being strictly Paleo starting next week and may have to do another caffeine and sugar detox. The only problem is that I’m going to Madrid for four days at the beginning of next month and it might be a bit hard to follow this plan. Still, it never hurts to try the best that I can.

Also, I need to eat more throughout the day…. So, it will be back to meal planning, ensuring I bring my lunch (helps with the funds too!) and maybe setting my alarms again to drink water and have a snack. πŸ˜€ There are worse things in life to have to worry about, right? Hopefully, I will notice a return of my mind to a medium whir as well – as this is the most important thing. πŸ˜€

More to come,

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:19

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