Jan 122015

Almost exactly a year ago, I finished reading the book _Unbroken:  A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption_ by Laura Hillenbrand. I wrote about it and then I even wrote a brief about it, which was published on Amazon.

So, when I heard that the film was being made, I was quite excited about it as it’s such a great story.

Last weekend, I made M go see it with me, but I’m afraid I was sadly disappointed. M had never read the book, but came out saying “It was just missing something, wasn’t it?”. My response was, “Yeah, like 2/3 of the book!”.

There’s so much of the story that is interwoven and necessary that I can imagine it was quite hard for Angelina Jolie to pick out the pieces to adequately tell the story. The parts that were taken in entirety were well-done; however, there just weren’t enough and perhaps not enough time to do it justice.

In any case, it’s a decent film – though quite PG for a story that is graphically disturbing. I’d say it’s okay to see it with teenagers and to draw interest in the story. However, if you haven’t read the book – read it after you’ve seen the movie. Yes, this is advice contrary to my usual recommendation. In this case, reading the book before the movie just sets you up for grave disappointment…. :*(

More to come,


 Posted by at 18:25
Jan 082015

Well, today is the last weekday of holidays with nothing left but an ordinary weekend separating me from the ‘real’ world again. 🙁

In the past three weeks, I had grand plans to be productive, but instead I relaxed and had a lot of fun. So much fun, in fact, that I could see myself never going back to work and truly never being bored. When I was younger and worked from home, I thought that I would never like it again; however, now that I am older and more anti-social anyway, it really doesn’t seem to bother me to be at home all the time. Of course, I would like to have a group of ladies-who-lunch now and then so that I didn’t become completely isolated… 😉

Still, it is time to get my head back into things. One of the reasons why I haven’t been keeping up with my postings and writing is due to not being where my computer is. However, this week I fixed that! I have a new ‘temporary’ office setup.

My lil' home office

It’s not much at the moment, but maybe this weekend I will get a proper desk… 😀 For now, it does the job! So, first steps taken to reaching goals – off to a good start!!!

More to come,

-T 😀

 Posted by at 18:00
Jan 052015

Today was my first day of the new year on my own; and it has been much needed. While I dearly love my friends and BF, the extreme introvert in me has been in serious need of refilling my energy basket.

So I took some time to reflect and set some goals for the upcoming year…we shall see how it goes!

*I will finish the PhD at last!
*I will sort out my finances finally and get myself on the savings path toward my condo in Hawaii.
*I will change my job whether at the same university or another one in the area – I am signing a new contract, but it is a means to hopefully changing to a different department, which I should know more about in the spring.
*I will be more consistent with a schedule to ensure a balance with love, life and sanity!
*I will get back into coaching to keep up my skills and continue the pursuit of my life purpose to be the spirit that inspires others to reach their full potential.
*I will be very selective about how and with whom I spend my time so that my energy basket never goes below 1/4 full. Should I get dangerously close to that I will take a weekend to myself somewhere to refill completely. (Gotta be sure to take care of me!)
*I will love openly and completely.

And I will get back to writing and blogging more regularly but maybe not everyday as before. Still gotta work out a reasonable schedule for that, but I will get back to it as there is a lot to write about!

That’s my upcoming year! I hope to “Secret” it all into reality!!!

All the best always,


 Posted by at 12:22
Jan 012015

I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging and lost my somewhat systematic method of posting for the latter half of the year. However, with a new year comes new goals and a reassessment of life’s proceedings.

So, as I start to settle in to the new year and start to lay down my goals for the next year I am going to be putting my blogging back at the top of my priority list!

Stay tuned for more to come.


 Posted by at 19:17

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