Jun 032019

My obsession with true crime podcasts and (audio)books can sometimes necessitate a bit of a step back to process the dark issues that can come up from listening to these kinds of stories.

Inevitably, one part of these stories is the search for the victims.

In some cases, they are rarely or never really missed due to dysfunctional families and relationships. In other cases, days can go by before anyone begins to worry because the person is independent or known to go off the grid at times. Then, there are those who cause instant worry if they aren’t heard from for even an hour.

I imagine that I’m some version of the latter two cases. However, I have recently contemplated just how long would it take for someone to miss me?

Out of interest, I asked my BFF and husband how much time they think would pass before realizing that I was gone.

My husband said a good eight hours, and the BFF claimed shortly after my husband noticed since he’d probably contact her first after realizing I had been out of touch.

This is not an unreasonable amount of time in my opinion since a regular work day keeps us busy and we don’t have to be in touch all the time. Still, a lot of bad stuff can go down in that amount of time….

Taking it a step further, the extension of this question and in many stories is – how long would you keep searching for me if I were missing?

Perhaps these are morbid questions influenced by the podcasts I listen to and the books I read. Still, no one wants to think about these truths unless forced to, but what’s the harm in having a plan like an evacuation pack or prepping for the end of times?🤪

I kind of liken it to when my grandmothers were getting on in age and it became somewhat worrisome for them to live on their own. So, they called my parents every night to check in. This is a good plan and it’s nice to be in touch regularly with those whom we care about.

So, seriously, how long do you think it would be before anyone would notice you were gone and how long would they keep looking for you? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Do you have a plan in place in the very unlikely event that something like this happens?

~T 😀


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