Feb 092023

About a year ago, I saw an advertisement online for this machine. At the time, they were taking pre-orders as they were closing up their funding sources. I had scoffed at the very high price of the machine since I often see random adverts on my social media.

However, I kept up with them and saw that the price decreased a bit eventually. Also, I calculated how much I was spending on my speciality milk at the grocery store.

For many years, I have been lactose intolerant and have not drank regular milk much for years. Mostly, I have been drinking soy milk since that was always the main alternative milk option. Lately, more options have become available, but the catch is that finding brands that do not have a lot of extras in the ingredients is near impossible. For the soy milks, I have been looking for those with the highest percentage of soy and the only other ingredient being water. This is hard to find, but we have been able to source it at our local grocery store for a while.

Unfortunately, I think I have developed a soy intolerance. Not a big one, but enough to be noticeable as I get a scratchy throat, or I think it has been contributing to my inability to drop my weight as much as I would like. What made me consider that it was the soy is that when I went to the US, I had almond milk if I had any milk and managed to lose weight – which was a weird fact given how much bigger portions are there.

So, I decided that when I got my first paycheck with my editing job I would buy one of these machines to make natural milk at home.

That moment has come!

I set it up and after sorting out some of the details of it, made my first glass of milk from almonds and water only. The process took about three minutes and the jar was filled with white frothy milk that I used in my coffee. It tasted delicious. For the next bottle, I am going to try to add in a date for a bit of sweetness, but there are many options. We can try oats or cashews as well. So, it will be fun to test out different recipes that are also shared through fellow users online.

Here’s to a delicious cup of milk not πŸ₯›!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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