Feb 112019

One of my goals this year is to read more. Though I do read a relatively good amount most years, it is usually done in a binge-style manner on holidays like a plant 🌱 soaking up water when it’s soil is dry.

So, to avoid this pattern and to shift what gets inputted into my mind, I’ve made a bit of a reading list based on recommendations from FB friends (thank you!!! πŸ™) and my own Amazon wishlist that seems to only grow longer.

Also, in my aim to write more myself, I have learned that I need to expose myself to a variety of writing styles and methods to find what resonates with my own style.

In less than two months, I have covered these five books with Becoming being the one I just finished yesterday.

Many years ago, I listened to audiobooks especially as my dad liked them while on road trips and such. In those days, it was cassette tapes or DVD πŸ“€ recordings. Now, it’s all on my phone πŸ“² coming from some ‘cloud’ above.

The digitalization of books may have been a lament to paper book πŸ“š lovers, but traveling and frequent moves has pushed me to appreciate digital ones. Of course, there is still something to the tactile experience of flipping pages and connecting physically to the book itself.

However, I’m finding that the joy of audiobooks is useful for long walks to the station, commutes and workouts. While I still love my podcasts, which is like a TV series vs a movie, I run out of episodes very quickly so then I can ‘read’ while waiting for new ones. Strangely, I prefer TV series to movies though….

Anyway, three of the five titles above were ‘read’ aurally rather than with my eyes. But, I have experienced them similarly.

Plus, my reading πŸ“– consumption has practically tripled! πŸ˜‰

As for my thoughts on them, they were all enjoyed in different ways. So, I’ll only write a few sentences or two on them.

The Sakey book is part of a trilogy and I will definitely read the next one. It’s a bit like X-men without the extreme fantasy side of their ‘talents’.

James Patterson is always a good quick read on a cold or sick day. πŸ€ͺ

I discovered Olsen from trolling someone else’s reading requests online as he’s a Pacific Northwest writer. It’s nice to read/hear the references to ‘home’ along with his engaging storytelling as a psychological thriller type author. This is the second of his I’ve read and won’t be the last.

Listening to Trevor Noah with his voice was amazing really as there is something about having the person tell his own story. I don’t follow him on The Daily Show as it’ll never be what Jon Stewart made it (sorry…), but I feel it was an inspiring story of his beginnings.

Having just finished Becoming, I am still processing it. Probably I’ll write a separate post on it soon as I can only express my feelings at the moment in one word – inspiring. And, I really have a hang up about this word…yet there it is.

So, by increasing what goes in my mind through reading, I am enjoying mundane activities each day more while maintaining my before-bed reading habit and fueling my own imagination.

Can’t wait for my next read….

~T πŸ˜€


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