Feb 152023

It’s hard to believe that just eight years ago, I met my partner in life. While I do not know if there are such things as soulmates, I do believe there are perfect partners at perfect times in life. Perhaps, even there are multiple soulmates in life – sometimes embodied in one individual that one might be lucky enough to find early in life or divided into multiple individuals whom we meet when the timing is right. Or, perhaps, it’s all hogwash and we just figure out how to be with someone else as we live life.

Whatever one believes or feels, I am glad to have met my “lobster” in the words of Phoebe in Friends.

I’ve had deep love and I’ve had good enough love and I’ve had not sure if this is love but I’ll see kind of relationships before. None of them really stuck until I met M.

Who knows what lies ahead of us and if we are together forever? It doesn’t really matter because he is my person for this moment and the foreseeable future. Thank goodness, too – I’m not sure that I will ever make the effort to find someone else if I ever find myself on my own again.

Anyway, I’m not necessarily a big V-day celebrant, but I enjoy the idea around celebrating love. So, we do. Besides, we are also still mushy in-love with each other – most of the time.

This year, we had made appointments in Rome for a general practitioner visit to get ourselves – mostly him – checked up on our health status since it has been a couple of years due to our moving around. Now that we are more settled and his health hasn’t been 100 percent, we thought sooner rather than later was best. I mean, what better day to do it than on V-day? So, we booked a hotel and went a day early as our appointments were early-ish in the morning.

Celebrating early also means that it is easier to get reservations! I found a middle-range priced restaurant where we had a really nice meal, enjoyed each other’s company and counted each other lucky to have found someone to share life with.

So, we had a lovely time and look forward to even more V-days ahead!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Dec 212022

Well, we’ve made it another year together! ❀️

I would do it again and look forward to every additional year of our adventurous life with each other. To be sure, there is yet to be a dull moment and while I might like some aspects to be a little less ‘exciting’, I would not change the stories we get to share.

So, cheers to many more! πŸ₯‚

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Aug 112021

Summer heat and being on guard for the potential blood-sucking fire starters on my skin keeps me from my usual blissful eight hours of subconscious escape these days.

In the early morning hours when my mind is not quite exhausted, yet not fully present, I find my thoughts drift in and out of relived conversations.

My husband strangely threw out that he didn’t take me as reflective or aware, which made me question just how well he knows me and recalculate his own seemingly self-absorbed arrogance to think so little of my consideration of others while holding himself in perfect esteem. My more rational self presumes that perhaps he was kidding or just trying to be inappropriately funny as is sometimes his wont, but in a tired fog my mind still whirls around with numerous possible, and probably incorrect, reasons.

There are times when I see just how much he takes for granted and wonder what other ways he finds himself inaccurately superior to me and my ways. I think that he confuses my sharing out loud the thought processes of my mind as the same kind of personal judgment and actual beliefs in my core. It is in these circular meanderings that I can easily find myself uncomfortably aware of our differences.

Fortunately, I know that none of this is that significant and once I’ve had a chance to let my mind refresh all will be just fine.

Unfortunately, many of our married friends and various stories that we read have centered around the actual inability to refresh their relationships. The past year and a half have put extra stress on all partnerships, but even more so for those that may not have been totally solid in the first place.

The fact is that all relationships constantly require work whether in marriages or friendships or businesses. It is a balance of give and take, which ultimately means compromise – not competition. It may seem as if it is easier to give up, but one must truly determine if the grass is going to be really greener or not without rose-colored glasses πŸ‘“.

For me, life with M is worth any and every compromise I have to make. Before, with L, it was not and so I was willing to walk away. Although the consequences of a decision are not always easy to experience, the decision itself should be easy. Will life truly be better without the person in question in it? If the answer is yes, then by all means work toward making as clean a cut as possible.

However, if the answer is no, then consider what compromises you are willing to make to ensure that you do not lose him/her.

Often, we can get stuck in being stubborn and trying to prove a point. But, the truth is that it might be worth the so-called β€˜win’ in digging our heels in.

Many marriages suffer as a result of lack of money πŸ’° or sex. Most partners will say that they still love each other, but one of the above causes stress or does not interest them. Usually, it is also a misled romantic idea that having both or either one will solve problems. Actually, not having either one (and both) can be the cause of problems.

Lack of sex

I’ve written about Japan before and how almost 100% of marriages end up with the woman no longer wanting to carry on their sexual relationship with their partners. In the same post, I think, I wrote about Matthew McConaughey’s statement about the need to continue to maintain a sexual connection in a marriage.

As a woman, I completely understand why women might stop making an effort and reject advances regularly. Our hormones go crazy and affect our sex drive. We are tired from playing multiple roles throughout the day. We may even not really ever enjoy the experience anyway. So, of course, we want to say NO, especially if we aren’t even going to benefit from the effort in the end.

Unfortunately, men can only take rejection so many times before they hit step one – get mad, then step two – get pushy, and finally step three – give up, which often leads to looking elsewhere. While they do not have to follow this trajectory, it is a little bit understandable that many do. (By the way, I’m not at all condoning affairs, etc.) Therefore, women do have some responsibility in this to figure out how to avoid this pushing away, but hoping they don’t go pattern. To put it bluntly, sometimes we just need to spread our legs and take it (obviously, only within a loving relationship)! It is but a few minutes (at most) in our day – every few days at most – and it gives our man relief and acknowledgment / appreciation of their manhood in our lives.

I realize this may sound somewhat barbaric or conservative, but I look at it as meeting basic human need and a necessary “giving” in the give and take balance of a partnership.

Lack of money

In most cases that I come across, it is the woman who worries about the financial stability of the household. Many men barely know how much things cost and so they just focus on the making of it.

Men trust themselves to be able to make money, survive, and/or take care of their families. They also “trust” us women to keep everything else moving along so that they can do their part.

Unfortunately, what I see in marriages/relationships that are struggling financially is a lack of trust for one or both sides to “do their part”. I’m not saying that it has to be the man who makes the money, but this tends to be the more common dynamic in the circles I live in. I imagine it is the same no matter who is the so-called breadwinner.

Trust has to be there in the agreement of the partnership. At some point, whether through discussion or default, a conversation/understanding has to be reached in who is going to be the higher earner. Therefore, when money becomes tight, there needs to be trust that both parties are working for the good of the household and trust must be there that indeed ‘everything is going to be fine’.

As a far too young couple, L and I had our struggles not just as married 20-somethings, but my trust in him was lost and consistently chipped away in every area to the point that it made my belief that life would most definitely be better without him an easy decision for walking away. However, with M and I, we had our struggles very early on in our relationship, but have continually built trust with each other in all areas – especially sex and money – so that every compromise is worth it for both of us.

To me, life has often been in clear shades of black and white. Sometimes, I acknowledge grey areas. However, in love and marriage, I truly believe that even in the foggy morning hours, choosing to take actions that satisfy my desire to be with my life partner is simple.

~T πŸ˜€

Feb 142020

Six years ago I went to an Internations event to avoid being lonely and sad at home after breaking up with my five-year boyfriend during the winter holidays. Just a week or so before that I had gone on a private retreat to reset my sights on attracting a partner who would be all I needed him to be – right down to a checklist (obvi!). πŸ˜›

Although I had not planned on meeting this potential partner so soon, the Universe works quickly when you put out what you want. Never before had I met another adopted person randomly – usually it would be at events for adoptees or introductions from others. Never before had I met someone so quick-witted and genuinely charming.

Even though neither of us were necessarily looking for love in that event or moment of our lives, we found a connection.

While it seems like more than six years since we met, it’s also a reminder at how short life is and how quickly our circumstances can change; our own time together so far can testify to that!

Some may call us lucky to have found each other. Some may think that it can never happen to them. Some may even wonder at how it all happened.

For me, I believe in the power of knowing what you want, being clear about it – make a checklist! -, then keeping your mind open enough to see it when it is provided to you.

Also, I don’t believe in coincidences or luck. Sure, I could be writing this about someone else depending on the timing or circumstances, but I’m not. While we may have had different lives to lead until we met each other, the alignment of our stars finally happened. Life hasn’t been all roses and sunshine together either, but being able to share it with my crazy β€œbabs” makes it our adventure.

So, on this day of love, I celebrate having it in my life in the form of my laughing life partner. πŸ₯°πŸ˜

Feb 252019

This morning, I had the luxury of not having much on my schedule until the afternoon. Although I had initially thought to try a new hot yoga class at my gym, I was not committed to that plan. πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ So, when I looked at The Power by Rhonda Byrne book, I thought it was as good a time as any to read it.

Little did I know that my soul was thirsting for something like this. For three straight hours I read the book cover to cover. πŸ€“

Many years ago, I read The Secret at a time when new age spirituality was making an entrance to the mainstream. People were skeptically discussing the Law of Attraction and I was absolutely no exception, if you read the linked post about my thoughts on it. πŸ€” However, the 2010 version of myself has changed greatly in the past eight years and I find myself regularly thinking how to ‘secret’ things to go my way.

Even stranger is that when I met my husband, he was also a big believer and fan of the book. πŸ’‘ He was/is more of a believer in the Law than anyone else I had ever met. So, when The Power entered our family this Christmas, it came around to me “by chance” through M. He said it was better than the first, but I still hesitated to read it for some reason.

Recently, I started reading The Dalai Lama’s My Spiritual Journey, which should have been a sign that I was in need of some spiritual refreshment. So, I had planned to read The Power once I finished this.

Then, this morning happened.

It was indeed better than the first and gave me quite a lot to think about. Here is a quote that stood out for me:

Life isn’t happening to you; life is responding to you. Life is your call. You are the creator of your life. You are the writer of your life story. You are the director of your life movie. You decide what your life will be – by what you give out.” p. 35

The whole premise of the book is that the power that we have to make everything that we dream of happen is within us and based on the love that we give out. This ‘love’ is a combination of agape (charitable love) πŸ’™ and philia (brotherly love) πŸ’•, not eros (sexual love). By focusing on what we love and loving others, we are creating positive karma and reflecting the positivity that is returned to us. πŸ’ž When we don’t, the opposite happens.

Reading this fits into my 2019 goal of not enabling others to affect me negatively. πŸ™…πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I’ve already struggled with this, but now I see that perhaps I was attracting it. So, with this in mind now, I feel better armed πŸ’ͺ🏽 to make this goal easier to reach and within my control rather than blaming other people for their affect on me. πŸ˜›

Another point that I need to incorporate more concertedly is waking up with gratitude. πŸ™πŸ½ The truth is that most mornings I feel a sense of denial that I have to get up. It’s not particularly a negative thought nor it is it a positive one, but more of a neutral view of the choice and preferring to go back to sleep. 😜 However, if I were to practice a view of gratitude towards being able to wake up, being healthy, having a job I like, seeing a husband I love, etc., then perhaps my view towards the choice will be filled with love and light instead.

Accepting that having a good or bad day is based on my own creation and what I’m sending out into the world, I am definitely more motivated to focus on the positives. I mean who doesn’t want to have a great day every day?! πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

So, I still have some points that I am processing and will probably touch on in future posts here, but if nothing else, I am grateful for the time to be able to consume a book πŸ“– in one sitting. That in itself is a great day! πŸ₯°

~T πŸ˜€

Jul 252016

Day 30: Β What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for?

When I first thought about the answer to this question, my mind came up with my ability to problem solve. Generally, I am the one who brainstorms ways to get out of a pickle and then takes action to make it happen once deemed the best choice in the moment. This is indeed a great skill to have especially during the past couple of months. However, when I consider the very moment what I am actually grateful for in my skills is that I can speak, read and write (sometimes) in Japanese. Why? Well, for some reason that I shall not question nor complain at all about, I have found tutoring opportunities in Japanese. That’s right, not English, but my second (err third?) language. It will be fairly lucrative if the lessons hold and the fact that I have experience learning the language, speak English well and can teach are highly in my favor to maintain these chances. So, while with all tutoring, nothing is ever for sure nor consistent, I can still say that I am grateful that I have this skill to give us a chance to make a few extra dirhams in our time of ‘need’. πŸ˜›


Well, today is the last day of the 30-day Gratitude challenge and I must say that the days went quickly. It was excellent for me to focus a bit each day on finding something to be thankful for as there were/are some days when I can easily choose to go the other way in my thinking.

However, the light is drawing closer at the end of our tunnel. We are starting to really see and feel hope for our lives to return to a sense of normal. It has not quite been the summer that we had planned on, but the truth is that if we needed to go through this period of our lives and marriage, now is definitely the time to have done it. There is much to be grateful for each and every day. The more that we focus on these positives the more it comes our way – it seems.

I have realized the importance of the words, tone and attitude I use as well. While I may say something positive, if my tone and attitude are a bit cynical or even a little sarcastic, then it diminishes the uplifting value of the good that is happening. Instead, I want to grow into the ideally graceful, generous and inspirational woman who emits love, compassion and happiness to those around me.

While I, like everyone, have many talents and skills to offer the world, what I truly desire is to offer an example of what it means to live life full of joy, love and contentment with the world doing my part to making it and others better. It may have taken me a while to get to this point of my life, I am here now. My new aspirations in life are to really live fully with these elements emanating from me wherever I go and with whomever I meet. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€


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