Aug 112013

Heroes and Monsters: An Honest Look at theโ€ฆ

_Heroes and Monsters: ย An Honest Look at the Struggle within All of Us_ by Josh James Riebock

I am not sure where I found this title. Maybe it was a recommended read from Susan Cain about an introvert. Or maybe it came from someone else that I follow on FB. Sometimes I lose track of where my thoughts, recommendations, information, etc. come from…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

In any case, this was a beautifully written work. Written in first person, Riebock takes us through his journey of self-discovery and acceptance of who he is as an artsy, sensitive, introvert trying to make in this world despite all of the negatives that have come in and out of his life. There was much to relate to both as an introvert and an unusual start to life. However, it was also fascinating from the male perspective – reminding me of a number of people whom I know.

It has been a long while since I have read writing that so intelligently mixes pop culture, literary references as well as descriptions of the times (as a fellow 80’s child). It was really so nice to read this novel and also so strange considering I have no idea how I came across it.

While probably not on the top of many reading lists, I highly recommend this one.

And now, we are caught up….I’ve slowed down with my reading due to trying to write more….

-T ๐Ÿ˜€


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