Jan 302011

_Room_ by Emma Donoghue

This was probably one of the most interesting fiction novels that I’ve read in a long time in terms of a unique story from an unfamiliar perspective. Donoghue writes the entire novel from the point-of-view of Jack, a curious five-year-old, who shortly after his fifth birthday has to learn to shoulder a great deal of responsibility and expand his mind beyond his own imagination.

Not only is there an element of crime thriller in this novel, but also one of wonderment, confusion, awareness of the overwhelming nature of life and most importantly the importance of family support and love.

As I don’t want to give too much away in case my viewers want to read the novel for themselves, I’ll leave it at this. It’s definitely definitely worth a read. I think I might be getting into contemporary literature finally! πŸ˜€

More to come…



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