Jun 262012

_Fifty Shades of Grey_ by EL James

It might concern me that a novel like this is on the top of New York Times bestseller’s list, or it might concern me more that people are flocking to read this novel over other literary works. However, literature always is a reflection of the times, it seems and I think that this novel is no different.

When I read the reviews of this book and asked on my Facebook page about it, I got a very diverse response. The best advice I received was from my aunt – to just read it and see for myself. So, I did.

The main synopsis is that a young college graduate (or soon-to-be at the beginning) meets a young rich business philanthropist (is there really such a person?) and they have sparking chemistry. Anastasia is sexually innocent and an introvert with the appeal of being naively beautiful. Christian Grey is a young man with a dark past and dark pleasures. Somehow they try to make a relationship of sorts work, which entails graphic scenes of bondage play and sexual encounters. The love story is intertwined with Ana’s natural hesitation to continue in a relationship with the ‘dark’ physical side.

Although I wouldn’t say it is the best writing I’ve ever read, I will say that it made running on the treadmill go very quickly! πŸ˜‰

It’s sort of hard for me to believe that this is part of a trilogy. While it wasn’t a bad read, I wasn’t so involved or invested in the characters’ stories to warrant wanting to read more of their relationship and there isn’t enough of a voyeur in me to want to continue reading about their sexual encounters. Still, now I can say I’m up on what is topping the bestsellers’ lists.


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