Dec 252010

_What the Dog Saw:  And Other Adventures_ by Malcom Gladwell is an interesting collection of his New Yorker articles over the years. Since I’ve not been able to keep up with all his articles (though I wish I could find the time to read the New Yorker regularly…), it was interesting to read his stories and takes on different events over the years.

Gladwell writes on sociological phenomenons such as the use of birth control, the publicizing of the Enron case, the reasons why some inventions were a success and others were not, and more.

I’ve been a Gladwell fan for some time now and have read his novels as they’ve come out. This one was just as interesting as the others and while not necessarily a travel book, it is one that would satisfy a before-bed read and fill your mind with interesting thoughts as you enter dream-world. 😉

More to come…


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