Sep 042023

It’s an interesting phenomenon that one inflicts a sense of urgency and demand on oneself even when not in an office environment or surroundings where it is easy to pinpoint the source.

While my work from home fluctuates from trickles to tidal waves, I do not have what one would call “stressful” jobs as a freelance contract worker. On top of that, I have a very cushy home and personal life as there are no kids or relatives to raise my stress levels, even if I do have a tendency to complain about the man now and then.😝 Yet, for the last week or so I have felt stressed!

I mean, sure, needing to complete edits on two full manuscripts ASAP, prep for an online yoga course, correct online assignments regularly, and try to write my own stuff while attempting to be social with staying guests–all while also maintaining the EPA duties that most wives carry out for their partners, could be deemed reasonable sources of stress. πŸ˜…

Still, I somehow feel weak for it.

Luckily, I believe the Universe heard me and saw me falling onto the path toward hysteria and meltdown, so I have been blessed with five glorious days of freedom from everything except what I want to do!

This means, I have spent most of the last 36 hours or so playing catch-up and working to get ahead of the game. My task list is looking more manageable and I would say that even my writing this the night before I am to publish it is a sign that I’m back on the “Tara-train track”. 😬 Although there is still a lot to get done, I think from tomorrow most things will be for future deadlines rather than ones past or ones looming. I do not like to work with pressure–never have and don’t intend to start now! 😁

So, with that, it’s about time for me to hit the hay to ensure I get my rest to be at my best productivity this week. I’ve got a mix of plans to see some friends and also enjoy some “me-time” activities. All that, plus work, so a girl needs her rest! πŸ’œ

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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