Jul 072023

As I’m working on some other writing things at the moment, I thought I’d finish off the week with a little update on the pups! 🐢❀️🐢❀️

Peanut πŸΆπŸ’œ

So, Pea(nut) is doing alright. She’s not quite the same as before her viper bite, but she’s running around fine. Some notable changes in her, though, are – less interest/eagerness in food. She eats fine, but doesn’t sprint to the bowl or take food from the hand as often. She’ll eat treats eagerly, but any other extras will only be consumed if put on the floor/ground in front of her or if in competition with Monty because obviously he cannot have it! πŸ€ͺ

We noticed a few weeks ago that she had a bit of a bubble around the backend of her rib cage, but as we were traveling and she seemed to be OK, we left it until today to get looked at by the vet. He said she is fine, but probably injured herself trying to escape through a narrow gate or hole or who knows what in her crazy squealing-capades. So, it’s just healing tissue and should go away in time.

Thus, in general, she is doing well, if a little less mischievous than before. πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‡

Monty 🐢❀️

He’s the same ol’ sweet bubba boo. Although recently, he’s taken on the mischievous mantle 😬😈 and has started chewing things he can get his little mouth around. We think it is likely from boredom or frustration from the heat. There might also be a little stress involved as we have been traveling a fair bit. If it is the latter, we have some concern as we will be kenneling them for about a month this summer, but will see how it goes.

Anyway, other than an occasional sore-looking paw/leg that he has gotten now and then since he was a little puppa, he’s healthy and strong. He eats everything he’s allowed to with glee! πŸ˜…

So, that’s the little update on the pups. They are still spoiled and adored immensely!! 😝

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  One Response to “Doggy Update”

  1. Thanks for the update, the puppys are often in my thoughts.

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