Apr 282023

Last week was the last of the two-crutch walk, and on Monday this week I was OK’d for just one crutch to hobble on. In actuality, I could mostly hobble along without, but there are those moments when the terrain is uneven or unpredictable, so the crutch still helps.

It’s been satisfying to be getting around. M has gone off again for a few days and I kept the dogs with me this time. Plus, I am able to drive into town and around without any difficulty. This has really helped my motivation and sense of confidence in returning to normal life. I’m still not able to do a long drive as the lack of movement makes it sore, like when sitting at a restaurant. However, the short drives around town for appointments and errands is perfectly fine.

So, with a taste of regular life again and having successes in each day with the pups, I feel more like myself again. The extra peace and quiet with M gone has definitely helped as well since I was starting to get a bit frustrated with life.

I am expecting that next week I will be OK’d to go without my crutch and the weather is improving that I might be able to get myself to the pool for my physio exercises. In the meantime, I do my yoga stretches and try not to do too much – though that is a challenge.

Anyway, all is looking good overall. Another week down!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  2 Responses to “Ankle Recovery: Week Seven @Home with 1 crutch”

  1. Sounds positive! Nice to hwar your back with your pups. Where is M?

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