Jan 122023

Around the middle of December, I had had enough of a repeated conversation between the man and myself on the topic of money. πŸ’° Whenever things get heated, he inevitably throws out “well, you could get a job”, which is a rather low blow given that we both know that isn’t exactly true in the conventional sense or the way that I think of having a job.

So, rather than repeat our basically immature circular conversation that never results in anything productive, I just stopped the discussion. Inside, though, the fumes were stirring. πŸ”₯ Using that fire inside, I considered if there was another way in which I could fulfill the job idea in a different way.

There is a technique in life coaching where one is asked to look at the same situation from different perspectives as it can help to find an alternative solution or see the circumstance with varied lenses. I decided to tap into that as the option of me “going back to work” as a full-time instructor or on a regular payroll is not realistic based on our location, our lifestyle, as well as our personal preferences.

Basically, my best option is to work online and write. Therefore, I put out to Lady Universe to help me out. I needed to find more work in these ways to have my own income – even if small – to prevent us from having to repeat conversations into 2023. Despite previous experience with putting things out to the Universe, I have still yet to learn about specificity. πŸ˜…

Within days, I was presented with an opportunity to write a paid article for a publication (under my pseudonym), take on more work with my online gig, and become part of the team that I started doing editing work for by chance. All of that happened so quickly at the end of 2022, that I really didn’t have time to absorb it and let myself prepare for what 2023 might look like in full.

Instead, I have managed to just adjust my day-to-day schedule so that I can manage everything, but I still want to set some plans for my writing retreats as finishing my book is a high priority.

Still, we have already planned travel/visits through the end of February and tentative March plans. So, I have a feeling that this year is going to fly by between working, playing, and fulfilling dreams. πŸ˜…

Not to worry, no doubt most, if not all, of it will be tracked here and in other writing spaces. 😬😁

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  One Response to “Work, Work, Work”

  1. I love your open minded way of solving a pretty big problem. I will look for more updates. Your future is looking like its going to widen your horizens in a big way.

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