Sep 152022

All I can think about right now is how I want to be like the puppies, stretched out on the sofas comfortably snoozing away. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

With a late-ish bedtime (for me) last night after a couple of evening video calls and a 9pm start webinar, I had already altered the biorhythms for the night. Then, a 4:20ish abrupt awakening to the thunder, lightning, wind, and massive downpour jolted me 😳 out of whatever dream I was in.

Whenever I am in the middle of a dream and rudely taken out of it, I am never right the following day. I’m sure it is normal, but I’ve always been this way – thus, also why I absolutely hate to be woken up by others. 😑

So, the storm triggered my brain to run through a mental checklist πŸ€” of whether or not all the doors and windows were shut around the house. Since it is still warm, we tend to forget about one or the other being opened for airflow. Luckily, the cleaner had been yesterday and everything had been closed up afterwards. Still, I ended up getting up to check everything as I was home alone.

Assured that all was closed up, I was able to take a few moments to watch as the sky lit up and listen as the rain poured down before trying to return to sleep. It took a bit of help from a book, but eventually I went back to sleep from 5 to about 6:30, when some noise again woke me. My drowsy state 😡 was not eager to be shaken off, but an inner voice shouted that I needed to get up for the animals. With that, I forced myself out of bed, made the bed to avoid getting back in, and started the day.

Between feeding the cats and then the dogs, taking the dogs for a walk, doing training with the dogs, having some breakfast, coffee, etc. and then trying to settle down into a creative writing state, I am still fighting with the voice and my body that is whispering – “…that sofa is soft, the puppies look warm and sweet, wouldn’t it be nice to curl up with them and have a cuddly nap…?”

Alas, I am using my willpower to give myself a 3pm reward of that coveted nap. Until then, I will write. Even if it is about the thing I want most at this moment – sleep 😴. Even if it is only a few sentences on my novel. I will write.

So, this is written – on to the next! πŸ€ͺ

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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