Jul 262022

Although we are not yet finished with the season, the peak of our busy period has passed at last. Since April, we have had a fairly steady stream of visitors in and out of the house. Some stayed for just a night, or a few days, or an extended period of flexible time. Overall, it has been a great pleasure to have guests and to spend time with a variety of people.

Still, it has not been without its challenges on my side. As an introverted host, it can be a difficult balancing act of being sociable without sacrificing my own need to recharge. However, I have decided to find the silver linings in this experience.

First, people are a part of our lives for a reason and so it is definitely meaningful to be open to learning what those reasons might be. There is always something to learn from others – whether it is good or bad – and so I tried/try to stay alert for what may come.

As a writer, inspiration can often be found for characters or dialogs in the stories that get developed. If I did not allow myself to sit and engage, I might miss some gems – and there have been some doozies!

Mostly, though, I learn a lot about myself. My self-reflective nature ponders on the source for why I get annoyed at certain behaviors or conversational patterns. Is it me, or is it them, or is it just the way it is? I am most fascinated by the human psyche and so what better research is there than to study those that come to visit us?

So, whilst trying to keep the silver linings in the forefront of my mind, I breathe through the extra hours spent over breakfast/coffee time, or the extra cost for food and electricity being spent for their holiday, or the constant cleaning that is required with extra mouths and feet passing through the kitchen and house or the incessant talking required for those who cannot stand silence. I try to be thankful for the gesture of a meal out in thanks for their stay despite the fact that it does not actually offset the financial, mental, and physical toll of their presence – especially when it is for more than a couple of nights. 😳

The truth is that plenty of people have helped me out or been generous with their money, time, and space on numerous occasions throughout my life. So, it is a balance of give and take, here and there. Thus, I do not write with complaint (even if it sounds like it 😬) nor judgment. Instead, I reflect and remind myself of the silver linings and balancing act that make up relationships and develop humanity. 😍

Furthermore, I’m very thankful for my escape pad – where I have been taking my afternoon siestas and entering different worlds. πŸ“–

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  One Response to “Silver Linings”

  1. Im proud of you. Seems you are succeeding in making a real effort to blend being a hostess, and finding time to take care of yourself.

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