Jun 282022

Yesterday was my birthday. I’m pretty laidback about celebrating, but I do love a bit of a party the older I get. πŸ˜›

So, on Sunday, we had a little get together with new friends for a late lunch in the very toasty and humid weather. It was a lovely afternoon spent chatting, laughing, and generally being merry.

I love fresh flowers – and I got two beautiful bouquets of them!

Also, I had not cut my hair short since pre-pandemic. I had a bit of a touchup and color when I first arrived in Italy, but otherwise it was on a growth momentum. I was avoiding a short cut as I have this thing against potentially looking like a middle-aged Asian lady. So, I was going for the young Asian lady look – πŸ˜…. However, the heat and having to do something with it everyday was starting to get boring. After some encouragement from M and a bit of time spent on Pinterest, I found a look that I felt was safe.

Then, I also decided to go wild and bleach it blonde-ish. This is what it looks like!

So, 46 is starting off with a new look, refreshed perspective on life, and a lot of good times – plus there has been a lot of cake πŸŽ‚! πŸ₯³

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈŽ

  2 Responses to “Hello 46!”

  1. Happy Birthday! Good for you and M for getting together with friends. I love your new hair cut, its right in style. The flowers look beautiful.

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