Feb 032021

My best laid intentions of writing regularly were thwarted slightly as chaos will always win over even the most orderly of situations. There’s no way to avoid a tornado, you just have to wait for it to pass then pick up the pieces left in its wake.

Some might lament at the lack of fairness this presents, or the seemingly pointless effort of trying to maintain order. However, I choose to focus on what I am able to endure and act upon to minimize the stress, and sometimes pain.

M has admitted that he’s getting fed up with the COVID-19 life. More people are becoming unsettled with how things are, especially if forced to live in close quarters when not used to it. As he moaned, all of his sentences were some form of “I was meant to be ~” or “We were going to ~”. He rolled his eyes at my response that he should be “in the moment” more and not focus so much on the improbable could or should have situations.

For me, honestly, I’m still very content. Well, at least 95% so.

If I want to find things to complain about I surely can fill a post about that, but the truth is that with what I have control over and can do on a day-to-day basis, I am content.

Being an introvert helps, but more than that, learning to appreciate the moment has been the key to making the most of each day. Sure, I wish I could travel or go do this and that. I miss my family terribly, but I have no control over the global situation. I only have control over how I face each day and what I do to ensure I make each one count fully.

The thing about being discontent and lamenting about the state of an unchangeable situation is that the negative energy brings others done as well. When M yells or stresses about life and refuses to adjust the aspects that the does have control over, it adds to my own stress. When we complain about our lives to others, we send a wave of energy that lowers theirs even when unintended.

Obviously, I’m not saying we should hold in our frustrations and not share with others when we need to let out feelings whether positive or negative. I’m just reminding us – myself as much as others – that how we respond to our lives and the world has an impact on others both on an individual level, but also on a larger scale. This is how trends and movements work. The energy forces shift until the tipping point falls one way or the other.

So, for what I do have control over, I want the energy that I put out to be as positive as possible. I want to always be raising standards and pushing us all to be the best that we can be because everything and anything is possible – we just have to have the right outlook.

~ T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 00:27

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