Aug 252020

In 2016, I decided to quit my job because I was at a breaking point and I was under the naive impression that being newly married meant that my husband would take care of me.

Without going into too much detail, that delusion was more of a nightmare of grandeur. Thankfully, my stubborn character did not despair at the reality that in my new partnership I need to be the one who is more financially conscientious. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Thatโ€™s not the same as responsible… ๐Ÿ˜‡

Fortunately, in a short time and a change of country, we have found ourselves in a better position with our financial situation where I could revisit the idea of quitting full-time work.

Although I am a hard-worker, take pride in my profession, and generally care about whatever I do, I have never been great at being under the thumb of authority. If given freedom to do my work and recognition for what I can offer, I can thrive. However, Japan is not the place for such work culture and my stubborn streak does dig in when it comes to my career.

So, when COVID19 hit and remote work was installed, I determined to find a way to ensure that I would never have to go back to working in an office again. Thanks to the law of attraction and our mutual desire to make our future lifestyle a reality sooner than later, this has come about as I desired.

Since we have decided to move to southern France in mid-October, it opened the door to paving the way towards becoming a digital nomad, allowing me to become a roaming artist at last and fulfilling my lifelong dream of pursuing being a writer.

Before the worrier-reader freaks out for me, donโ€™t fret! I am still cautious enough that I will be working on a project-basis for my current/former company and continuing other freelance work as I also focus on building up The Universal Asian into a media giant!

However, as I am never satisfied with just a few balls in the air, I will also be transitioning towards creating my writer persona as OSH. Based on advice that I have read, I have created an author page, so feel free to follow that at Iโ€™m also working on some other platforms and places to start developing a readership. ๐Ÿ˜€

Of course, Iโ€™ll keep on posting here as Tara since this is kind of like my sandbox for different ideas and the random meandering thoughts of my mind.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

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