Jun 102020
June 1, 2020

If you follow me on Facebook, then you will have already seen the soft launch of my new project: The Universal Asian.

With the help of a fellow adoptee friend from childhood, we are working on building a platform where adoptees (#importedAsians) and #hyphenatedAsians can express themselves, share their stories, and be highlighted for who they are.

Growing up, I struggled to find role models whether it was for learning how to put make-up on my face, finding clothes that would look good on my body, or deciding what jobs would suit someone like me. While there is an argument that, it doesn’t matter who you are, everyone struggles with these aspects of growing up, there is a bigger argument that there were/are no Asian examples of this – at least in the US.

Even today, I find it hard to find an example of an Asian on a TV program who is not stereotyped as “eccentric” or “exotic”. We still see same-race couples, and it is weirdly celebrated to see mixed-race ones of black and white. Yet, it is rare to find an Asian-White couple of any kind.

With the rise of K-pop, Korean food, Japanese manga/anime, sushi, and various Asian interests, it feels that we are on the edge of finally being seen and heard.

Therefore, it also felt like a good time to launch a platform. πŸ˜€

So… we are continuing to add to content and to raise awareness of who we really are. Feel free to subscribe to stay updated!

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 12:46

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