Feb 142020

Six years ago I went to an Internations event to avoid being lonely and sad at home after breaking up with my five-year boyfriend during the winter holidays. Just a week or so before that I had gone on a private retreat to reset my sights on attracting a partner who would be all I needed him to be – right down to a checklist (obvi!). 😛

Although I had not planned on meeting this potential partner so soon, the Universe works quickly when you put out what you want. Never before had I met another adopted person randomly – usually it would be at events for adoptees or introductions from others. Never before had I met someone so quick-witted and genuinely charming.

Even though neither of us were necessarily looking for love in that event or moment of our lives, we found a connection.

While it seems like more than six years since we met, it’s also a reminder at how short life is and how quickly our circumstances can change; our own time together so far can testify to that!

Some may call us lucky to have found each other. Some may think that it can never happen to them. Some may even wonder at how it all happened.

For me, I believe in the power of knowing what you want, being clear about it – make a checklist! -, then keeping your mind open enough to see it when it is provided to you.

Also, I don’t believe in coincidences or luck. Sure, I could be writing this about someone else depending on the timing or circumstances, but I’m not. While we may have had different lives to lead until we met each other, the alignment of our stars finally happened. Life hasn’t been all roses and sunshine together either, but being able to share it with my crazy “babs” makes it our adventure.

So, on this day of love, I celebrate having it in my life in the form of my laughing life partner. 🥰😍

  One Response to “Prose Ode of Love!”

  1. One of your best!

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