May 172019

Favorite music to write to

Most of the time, I prefer to work and write in silence or to the buzz of people around me.

Yet, there are times when I need a bit of focus and for some reason I am most productive when I listen to country music.

For years I have loved country music, though admitting it freely only came in the past decade or so when the fear of people’s judgement disappeared.

However, there is something comforting about the simple lyrics and tunes. Perhaps it is because it reminds me of my childhood listening to it with my father on drives or while out working on the farm. Perhaps it is my romantic notions about life. Perhaps it is my yearning at times for a simpler life on so many levels.

Mostly, I love the stories that country music tells. Some pop music achieves this, but not much. I also love rap and R&B, though not the best to write to.

Unfortunately, classical music puts me to sleep when I want to concentrate. Every genre has a time and purpose.

For writing, I choose country. Judge away! 😜

~T πŸ˜€

  One Response to “Day 17: #whyshewrites”

  1. s a 76 year old lady The Blue’s the smoke filled bar with the Flossie perched on the piano are the best.

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