Mar 022018

It’s only the second day of the month and I found myself already worrying about the rest of the month.

As I found myself with an unexpected early finish today and plans for a night out later, so no reason to go home, I decided to reset myself.

First, it was a lovely opportunity to meet up with my hubby for a lunch date. Also, we were able to take steps to fixing a phone issue, so that was also an accomplishment. After parting ways with my man so he could go back to work, I decided to have a bit of a wander.

I got to sit outside for a while and soak up some much needed sun to let my mind drift without too much thought or worry.

There were a few splashes of color as well.

Knowing that I still had about five hours to kill, I decided to walk the 30 minutes or so to my destination and do my usual activity of finding a Starbucks and parking myself there. However 4.5 hours still felt like a bit too long to spend even in the most comfortable of Starbucks. So, I searched out a “cheap” massage. It took a bit more walking, but I finally found a branch of a nice chain, which I’ve used before, that I will likely frequent again because it’s a little bit tucked away despite being on a fairly well-worn track.

Plus, on the way, I took care of an errand I needed to do this weekend. Then, 70 minutes later, my body feels relaxed, my mind is freer and I’ve still got my cafe time. πŸ™‚

Clearly, the Lord knew that I needed the afternoon off so that I could stop the spiral of worry that I was starting to wind up. Now, I just need to get my writing brain going for some paid articles and all will be well.

Most importantly, though, I am content again. My mind is calm. Sometimes, we just need to appreciate the little surprises that come our way.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:32

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