Apr 252017

This morning I sit here trying to figure out what to post about and find my mind drifting. More signs that the ups and downs are definitely on the up causing my brain to go into rapid fire mode. Most of yesterday I felt as if I had a load of energy bottled up inside that was much like one feels from a caffeine overdose in a day. Although I was happy, there was still tension of build-up in my body.

It was actually a rather busy day full of some inefficiencies yet somehow very productive or active.

By the end of the day I was ready for my usual bedtime and slept well. So, guess I just gotta keep focusing on how best to use all this energy for now and hope that I do not come crashing down at some point…. πŸ˜›

Anyway…on to the rest of my day! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:04

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