Apr 232017

This weekend is a long one to celebrate the Prophet’s Ascension much like we rejoice in Christ’s rising for Easter. How they differ I don’t know….

Anyway, it has been a full weekend of socializing and a couple of late nights. 

One evening we spent talking with a friend about human nature and our expectations of people. M and I often talk about our opposing starting points when it comes to people. 

M generally likes people until they prove to be assholes. On the positive, he does expect people to disappoint him so he is not as upset when he comes around to the truth of them. 
On the other hand, I start on the dislike end and work my way back. In general I think people are assholes until they prove otherwise. It doesn’t mean that I get less upset in finding out the truth, but my expectations are lower in that sense because I don’t start out liking them anyway. 😜

Some people, though, like people and desperately want them to be decent humans so when truth is revealed the disappointment is so massive that it feels like a betrayal or personal wound. This is how then we end up with revenge, anger, bitterness and overreactions. 

Although there are times when I might briefly wish I liked people more, but then, I speak with these kind-hearted folk and mostly feel sorry for them. 😬

It might sound wrong, but I am glad I’m a cynic and skeptic. I have found some balance in not being overly negative about the human condition as in years past but still remain realistic and accepting of the truth – people are assholes but some of them I like anyway! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:26

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