Apr 122017

As we get older our sex drive is meant to go down a bit or at least level out somewhat. They say that women’s drive tends to go down below the level of men during the middle age years, which is used at times to explain why men might look for outside of marriage satisfaction – though never an acceptable excuse in my book.

As a teenager and in my early 20’s, I would say I had a rather high sex drive. However, I would also say that I used sex as a way to ensure that my partner would not abandon me due to my insecurities. With my aging years and a more confident sense of self, I no longer saw sex solely as a form of attachment, but rather as an act that brings a euphoric release that can be done detached from emotions if wanted. Still, this euphoria is enhanced when done with someone whom we care about or share our bodies with on a regular basis.

I have been called a serial monogamous because I really do not think having multiple partners when single is all that glamourous or enjoyable – at least it was not for me.

Now that I am married again, I love the joy of having one man who adores me – he claims on all levels…. 😛 However, sometimes you have to be careful of what you wish for!!! My husband has not lost his sex drive by any means or perhaps he is on his upscale while I am on the down, but I am often faced with a lecherous man when I just want to relax. 😉

Since returning from my two-week holiday without my man, he seems to be trying to make up for lost time or trying to reassure himself that I am still his wife. This has released Mr Gropey. He might tell me it is my fault for being sexy, but then if I am fat it would also be my fault for being unattractive. He might want me to wear slim-fitting clothes, but then he can’t keep his hands to himself and if I wear baggy clothes he complains that he cannot see my figure. So, you see where I am going with this.

This is not a complaint – after all most women in their 40s would be pleased to have their man fawn over them as if they were in their 20s. In fact, second marriages can bring out these acts of appreciation that we had as teenagers or took for granted in the first marriage. Still, I might appreciate it if Mr Gropey could just simply be Mr Adoration-Who-Keeps-His-Hands-to-Himself…. 😀

I am hoping that this is just a very short phase whereby I can again feel comfortable bathed in his loving adoration of who I am physically, mentally and spiritually without Mr Gropey!

~T 😀

 Posted by at 09:20

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