Jan 092009

Thought it might be good to change up the content a bit. I can’t believe that I have been writing so much poetry. It’s been years since I’ve had the desire to write again. Too many years spent silent, unhappy in the dark.

So much to say and yet no way to say it all. Poems express succinctly the deeper feelings within my soul. Though I write often in my diary, I do not write enough prose in story form. I want to write stories, but am not sure how to start or even how to finish. One day I will have time to just write and perhaps then I will never stop.

Now, my heart is up and down. My life is moving forward. My mind is weary but sharp. All is well and yet somehow I feel as if the end is drawing near…

Until next time…


 Posted by at 02:30  Tagged with:

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