May 112009

It was when we moved to the City
That it began – the leaving of my heart from yours

It was when I found my own course
That it seemed away from you I ran without pity

It was when I started succeeding
That you began to lose your way

It was when “I love you” became harder to say
That for a separation was my pleading

It was when your stress was so high
That you looked at them, those two-dimensional women

It was when you would ask me to dress more feminine
That every piece of my heart and soul would cry

It was when I realized the laughter between us had died
That there was nothing to be saved

It was when our attempts to “fix” it became depraved
That I learned we both to each other had lied

It was when the lies became too much
That I knew it was time to give up

It was when there was nothing left to take from our cup
That I could no longer bear your touch

It was when our simple conversations turned into arguments
That the yelling and slamming was only the tip of my anger

It was when we both began at each other to point a finger
That it was time to end the torments

It was when I cheated on you
That you felt the intensity

It was when all was lost in our beauty
That you finally knew

We were not meant to be…

~May 10, 2009

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