Jan 042017

The winter holidays are over, so life is on its way back to ‘normal’ again. I had not realized that it had been nearly three weeks that M was off, so this morning when he had to leave early I was a little bit surprised. It also meant that we missed our morning gym time as I had gotten used to having a slow morning.

However, I must say that it is nice to be back in the routine. Instead of the gym, we had our morning tea, then once M was out the door, I managed to do half hour of yoga, 15mins of meditation, read today’s Bible passages, hang with the cats for their morning wake-up, write in my journal and organize a bit of the house. All this before 9:30am!!! Woohoo!!

So, there is definitely something to celebrate about getting back to it!

Yesterday I spent the entire day indoors and on my own. When M returned I was not in the best of moods. Although I had thought that I was okay, there were small things that set me off. He claims it is because I was inside all day….Maybe so…. In any case, I have promised to at least go down to the pool today. πŸ˜›

I definitely need to work on my vitamin D and B12 intake, I think. My moods are greatly affected with a decrease in these. It has been a while since I stopped taking my supplemental vitamins due to money and, well, a desire to see how helpful they are…. The truth is that I mostly do not notice a difference without them. However, I do wonder if my moods are affected and I just do not notice this enough. Or, if the insides are affected which I would never see anyway…?

Anyway, while I have the ability to enjoy the outdoors more, I should at least do that. I know that being outside does, in fact, affect me; therefore, there is really no excuse for sitting inside all day, especially when I have every technological device available to use ‘on the go’. πŸ˜‰

With that, I’ll end here with my random post for today. Off to the poolside I go. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:20

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