Nov 092016

Well, it has been announced officially – President Trump – will lead our country for the next four years.


When he announced his candidacy, I honestly thought it was a joke. It appeared that all throughout his campaign, he felt the same. No one that I know ever imagined that it would ever become a reality that he would step into the White House. Yet, today, the democratic process has proven that you cannot predict the behaviors of people no matter how many polls are taken prior to election day.

Some people have said that they just want change. Some did not bother to vote anyway. Others voted for the other two candidates because they did not want to choose one of the “lesser of two evils”.

Women that I know have said with tears in their eyes that it is a statement against gender and race. Trump represents a step back nearly a hundred years for minorities, women, and the global society. Or does he? Perhaps he is just an exacerbation of the reality that we have been pretending does not exist. Perhaps he has worked to open our eyes to the real truth – racism and sexism have not changed that much.

While I am sad about the results because it is a disappointing statement of humanity I cannot be disrespectful enough to say those who voted for Trump or not for Clinton are ‘stupid’. People made choices and that must be respected. I am curious to see what he is going to do now. The past 19 months have been a shocking display of his lack of respect for women, immigrants and even the U.S.; however, he claims he is “going to make America great again”. So, now he has to step up. Let him bring it!

Honestly, I think when you look at his face, he looks scared sh*tless. It does not look as if HE actually thought he would make it all the way.

Around the world, people are worried. Markets have dropped. There are predictions of WWIII. Yet, it is an opportunity.

Let us keep our fingers crossed, positive energies and prayers for peace, acceptance and moving forward in a way that brings people together. May the time of division come to an end at last.

My name is Tara Footner and I am waiting to determine if I approve or not! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

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