Nov 012016

It is a new month, new moon (by a day or two) and lots of “new” going on around here.

October ended with a bit of craze, but it was good to highlight some of the areas in which I need to be careful to not get burnt out with all that I am doing.

This past weekend was my second-to-last yoga training weekend. We only have one more in 2.5 weeks and then it is exam weekend! Eeks! Hard to believe it has already been a full year since I embarked on this change of life…. πŸ™‚

I am also off tomorrow to Egypt for a quick 24-hours to do some Apple Education Training. I have managed to put together my presentation in record time, and am actually ready to go. I will see if this is worth the effort, but could be a great beginning to another source of income.

The best new news is that we are back in the ‘modern’ day life! I am typing on my computer from my home using our electricity and Internet. We have A/C, lights, contact with the outside world, gas to cook with, a fridge to chill our food and near-sanity back! Of course, it is going to take some time still to get used to it as we sometimes still forget that we can turn on a light switch rather than use the phone for light. πŸ˜›

All this has made me fully appreciate these luxuries of life. I am grateful to not have to hang out in someone else’s home (the generosity is not lost!) or a cafe to do work. I am thrilled to be able to spend my days on my own big screen and watch my shows as I work without spending extra data! πŸ˜€

At the same time, all this new-ness points out where I was doing more than necessary to keep myself busy outside of the house. Now, I do not need to do this anymore and can allow myself to find real balance of my ‘inside’ time with my ‘outside’ time. So, my schedule will be adjusting slightly over the next couple of weeks.

Hopefully, I will also return to regulated writing again! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:54

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