Nov 072016

As the weather is cooling down now in the UAE, more and more activities are happening outside.

I have written before about my running group I joined filled mostly with moms, but they accept this non-child lady. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, a while back one of them asked me why I do not sign up for a 5k or 10k run now that more and more of them are coming up here and in other locations around the world. I smiled and said, “no thanks”.

One of the reasons is that I am extremely competitive. I always want to win. However, I also know my limits. I am not willing to train to be the fastest or best runner at any distance. Therefore, I will not find it enjoyable to run for fun at a ‘race’. πŸ˜›

Instead, I enjoy running a short time on the treadmill or meeting the ladies for a gab once a week with intervals of running/walking. It is enough for me.

It has been about a month since we stopped going to the gym. M had a brain turn and so we both stopped going because I generally exercise every day anyway. However, I have a new fitness goal for myself that is simple and mostly just motivates me to get to the gym. If I am only competing against myself, then I can manage. πŸ˜€ So, I was back in the gym this morning instead of making the long trip to Yas mall for walking. I just wanted a quick workout so I could some other things done. It was good to get back in to it and it has now hopefully sparked my motivation again to get to it even if M doesn’t.

So, even though I am overly competitive with others, which keeps me from races or fun-runs, I am still enjoying staying fit and moving the body regularly. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

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