Sep 072016

Since I was old enough to understand the art of dressing myself, I have struggled to find my own style whilst also staying current with some trends. In Japan, it was a struggle to fit in as people’s fashion represents their role of the day. For example, if one is a housewife, then usually some kind of long khaki dress covered by a flowery apron would best represent this role. Or, if one is going on a hike, then it is important to have the correct hiking pants, shirt, shoes and backpack to show that one is part of the hiking group.

As someone who has never been the ‘go with the crowd’ or conformist-type, this was something akin to a nightmare. Throughout life, anywhere in the world, people like to dress according to their role or peers in similar roles. Let’s look at the typical teacher outfit where I live now. Most people wear long skirts to meet the dress code requirement of covering the knees. To see a woman in a pencil skirt would be rare, though it might be more flattering. The long skirts are covered by a some kind of shirt that covers the arms to the elbows and any other shape that might be misconstrued (maybe a slight exaggeration), but you get the idea. While I did conform for rules-sake, I tried hard to avoid the typical teacher-look.

My closet was built over the years carefully. I spent more money for quality items and although one might say I have too many clothes, I retort with the fact that I wear every item that I own regularly – not just when the mood suits.

With that said, I now am in a new fashion crisis. What do I wear now that I do not work?

I refuse to walk around all day in my yoga leggings to prove that I am a yogi, besides in this country I think it is inappropriate – yes, I may have lived here too long. But, seriously, do I really want to see women’s bums in the tight and only occasionally flattering leggings all the time? No! πŸ˜›

Many years ago I read that one should not succumb to wear sweatpants or pajamas all day even when staying around the house because it creates an energy of laziness and not caring or respecting the self enough to show pride in getting ‘ready’ each day. What exactly one needs to be ready for, I’m not sure, and it is possible this was an old housewife handbook. πŸ˜€ However, this still stuck with me. I do tend to agree.

If I allow myself to wear ‘comfy’ clothes all day, I generally feel as if my day never fully started. Although this is totally needed once in a while, I definitely do not want to make it a habit as a self-employed housewife. So…what to do?

comfy look

nice look

I have a closet full of work clothes that I cannot quite yet part with as one never knows if I will end up going back to full-time work in a university/office. I also have a shelf full of comfortable pants…. At the moment, I alternate or just go with a mood. However, it is a bit of a crisis (dramatic effect!) in my fashion world to match my new life role… πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

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