Sep 012016

So, back in June, I wrote about how veganism is not for me. Remember then I said that I had issues about it as a diet?

Well, recently a vegan friend of mine finally posted on FB how being vegan is not about the diet, but simply about protecting animals. Instead of preaching about health benefits, she is sticking with her passion in ‘protesting’ against animal cruelty and is actively offering tasty, healthy and reasonable alternatives to eating meat. This much I can accept. 😀

The other day whilst in the car, M was speaking to D and he complained I was trying to turn him into a vegetarian. This is not really true, but by the sheer fact that it is a bit difficult to cook much meaty food, we do eat more veggies than we used to. She then asked if I am still anti-vegan, to which he replied, yes. 🙁

Therefore, I write to clarify this a bit. It is not a matter of being anti-, it is a matter of being pro-. I am pro-health and pro-smart choices. As my friend stated, veganism is not a diet, but a belief system like any philosophy. Unfortunately, it is not a philosophy I am willing to buy into at the expense of health and smart choices.

What I would be interested in hearing are more stories about how being vegan has led to better health and longer-life. Instead what I have read and heard are stories of people who have developed incurable autoimmune diseases or damaged their organs so much from a lack of proper nutrients because of being vegan. Why on earth would anyone want to do this to themselves? Again, how is killing yourself going to actively help the animals from cruelty? I would rather see someone get injured from an actual protest against farm factories or riots in inhumane butcheries. At least then I could see how the injury to the body might actually have an effect. However, merely choosing not to buy something in the supermarket (which is already there!) and damaging the body just seems … well, stupid. Sorry if that offends, but honestly, how can causing the body to slowly deteriorate actually help the animals in need of protecting???

So, my challenge to those vegans out there who do read this blog, send me actual articles from a health standpoint that shows long-term benefits of being vegan OVER being vegetarian or eating whole natural foods. In other words, prove how veganism is better for the health than just eating in moderation or less meat and more veggies. Please leave the animal activist argument out of it and prove to me that this philosophy and belief system is actually worth the sacrifice of your body. I will happily read the evidence and re-consider whether or not I could actually become pro-vegan. However, at the moment, the arguments I see are no different than choosing to be Paleo or deciding to eat whole natural/raw food over processed food.

If we are simply talking about choice of food for the sake of animals, well, then we have nothing to discuss. It is like Muslims not eating pork or requiring halal food due to their beliefs. I respect these decisions to believe as one likes; however, it is best not to preach it as if it is a healthier, better-than-thou life-choice, because that is when indeed I am ANTI-anything. 😛

Still, do not get me wrong – I respect everyone’s personal choices and love them even if I do not agree. We can agree to disagree. 😉

~T 😀

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