Jun 102016

Sometimes you have to lose the short game to win the long one.

I am sure someone else has said this more eloquently or famously than I have. I am certain that someone has said a quote with the same meaning. Of course, we also know that I do not mean a game literally, but the figurative game of life.

We often talk about picking our battles as it is not worth the time and energy to battle over everything just to prove that we are right. In fact, we deem those who do try to win every battle as petty or small. Yet, somehow we never manage to say that about ourselves when it is us who want to win the battles – instead we are being “right” or virtuous in standing up for what we believe in.

The truth is there are times when we have to decide to “lose” for the overall good. Whether it is apologizing to someone who has wronged you, giving in to a work situation where you have no other choice, or kissing your husband when he has snapped at you (:P ), we must weigh the costs and benefits to ourselves, others around us, the direct relationship and general life meaning. Most of the time, we find that, although there might be monetary loss or emotional hurt, ultimately, it is never worth the sacrifice to happiness and health.

The universe generally gives us a way out if we are willing to swallow some pride and acknowledge that “losing” in the moment is still “winning” in life. When we have not yet learned this lesson, we generally find ourselves in similar situations again and again in life with the universal hope that we will eventually figure it out.

So, this week’s life lesson here is as the post began:

Sometimes you have to lose the short game to win the long one.

~T 😀

 Posted by at 08:42

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