Mar 102014

It is true that I feel quite good about my life right now. My dad said I had a glow back in my eyes after we chatted last night. My friend said I seemed happy. My new special friend said I seem as if I am good with who I am and where my life is going. All true!

It seems somewhat hard to believe that I was ending a relationship just about three months ago. I guess it was a true sign when I didn’t really cry that it was time for it to end.

We are still friends or some form of friends. However, for me I am good with it. Maybe I would consider or hope for more if I saw potential transformation for him on the horizon, but it does not seem to be the right time for him and so that is fine.

As for me, I am doing what I do. Aside from having some issue still with my PhD progress, I am happily moving forward with my life. I go out. I am dating and slowly getting to know someone I like. I am working without much angst or issue with the job.

Overall I have nothing to complain about! What?! πŸ˜€ It’s all goooood.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:27

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