May 102010

_Eat Pray Love_ by Elizabeth Gilbert

As you probably know, contemporary novels are not my general cup of tea. I prefer the classics with language usage that is strange and odd to read out loud. I appreciate the skill and talent it takes to weave a story with words alone.

Elizabeth Gilbert took me through a crazy story of a period in her life. From the beginning I felt like I could relate. A broken marriage. An unknown future. A need to escape. A desire for something more in life. A need for balance and self-discovery.
While I do not have the freedom that writing a novel can provide to carry-out this sort of journey, I do have similar freedoms to travel and to reflect as I find my way.

In a way, this book really helped me to find a sense of peace as I was reading it in a time of turmoil and confused decisions about who I am, what my future would hold and how things were playing out. As Gilbert walks through the streets of Italy learning to eat and enjoy the pleasures of life, or sits in a temple in India learning to know herself and let herself be free and then heads to Bali to meet love waiting there for her, I found myself healing and learning these same concepts of life with her.

It was a good book for me to read when I read it. I also saw a video (go to the website and search Elizabeth Gilbert) and she is inspiring to me right now. I hope to read her book _Committed_ as well upon recommendation from a friend and as I think about relationships and love.

More books to come…


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