Sep 242013

I have been having some stomach problems for a while now and initially, it was due to the H Pylori bacteria. I tested highly positive back before summer began and did a round of treatments. When I went back just before the summer, the test came back negative, which shocked me. I did not really worry about it until I got back from summer break. My stomach was acting up and the same symptoms had arisen, so I went back for another test. The test again came back negative. I still am not convinced.

However, as I started to consider my symptoms, one major difference in others whom I know have it, is weight loss from a lack of appetite due to bloating. I have not had this. In fact, if anything I am going the other direction! So, I started to research other possibilities which include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fructose malabsorption, gastritis, and more. Of all of these options, the fructose malabsorption symptoms and diagnosis seems to fit the best considering that I was drinking a lot of fruit juice whilst in Thailand, which I normally do not do.

With this realization, I also decided to do a bit of a change in my eating. A friend at work has been on the Paleo diet for some time and is really into it. I was not so sure it was something that I could do, but of all the diets out there, it seems like one that might actually suit me. It requires taking out grains, legumes, dairy, most sugars and ingredients with preservatives. Not so bad, right? It is called the ‘caveman‘ diet since the concept is that we should eat as the cavemen did since that is how our bodies were originally built. However, some argue that our bodies have evolved to be able to digest most of what we eat now. Still, I would argue that is not necessarily true given an increase in obesity, diabetes, and all these digestive issues.

So, since I’m already lactose intolerant it is not too difficult to get rid of dairy. Though, I do occasionally want my cheese, ice cream and yogurt, I think I can slowly move away from them and just slip now and then. πŸ˜‰ As far as grains go, I do not like bread or rice that much to begin with, so I feel okay. I did not realize that having granola in my smoothie counted though, thus, I have now removed that. One problem is pasta. Although I have not wanted to have it recently, I am not sure I will hold on to that forever. The biggest problem is peanuts and peanut butter. This is one of my greatest pleasures and I am not sure I can completely remove it or ever will. As much as I love cheese, I will trade cheese for peanut butter! πŸ˜€ The other things are already not really a part of my usual eating anyway – using olive oil only and such.

Of course, like any diet, you can adjust here and there. So, if I have some of the things that aren’t considered Paleo, it’s not like I will die! It’s just a really nice reference and one that I can manage since it does not cut out meat! It might take a while to fully go Paleo, but in the meantime I am hoping that my stomach and body will feel better.

-T πŸ˜€

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