May 202013

Today I taught conditionals in my class. “If [this], then [that]” for adverbial clauses and future clauses. As I was thinking about the form of these structures, then I began to wonder about the meaning for myself….

Lately, I sort of have returned to contemplating the purpose of life and what I am doing. It’s not as intense as it was before, but I still spend some time on it. I suppose that is ‘normal’.

I literally have less than six months (hopefully!) on my dissertation and yet I find myself thinking what will I do with it once I finish. I feel as if my life is on hold until it is finished in every aspect – work and play – yet I have no really clear idea of where it will take me. At the moment, I think that I want to work in a College of Education where I can be amongst academics, but then that does not fulfill my real desire to not teach anymore – at least young adults. So…I do not know. I do know I just need to plug along and get it done. Then, as R says, I will have it and will not need anything more in terms of hard core studying for the rest of my life. That has to be a strong enough motivation, right?

The last couple of days we talked about the lottery in the US that is the highest in history at 590 million dollars. 590 MILLION DOLLARS!!! One person in Florida supposedly won it. Can you possibly imagine what life would be like if you were to walk away with 300 million dollars in cash (after taxes)?? I thought about what I would do with that kind of money. After I had splurged on all the things that would make me happy, I thought how I would like to be able to leave it for someone or how the person who won could take care of his/her family for the unknown future. Then, I realized I have no one in my family whom I really would like to leave such kind of money to…not that I don’t love the people in my family; it’s just that money like that should not be totally wasted.

So, if I had won 300 million dollars and bought my private jet, house on the beach in Hawaii and a new convertible jaguar, then I would probably set up a scholarship fund of some sort for some group – not sure which group or how much, but that is how I think I would use the money. The rest would go into a bank to ensure that I live off the interest for the rest of my happy, healthy and extended life! πŸ˜›

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:27

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