Apr 152013

This morning I woke up at 4:30 and could never really go back to sleep until I finally had to get up around 5:30 for work.

Clearly, I am still stressing out about things as that is the general reason why I end up awake or can’t sleep through the nights.

However, either because of the lack of sleep or being hormonal and/or the cipralex, I was in a daze most of the day. It was clearly apparent when I hadn’t heated up the coffee enough and forgot to put some dressing on the salad I took for lunch, plus the general state of being hazy and tired. Luckily, I only had to teach one class today and was able to spend the rest of the day inside my office.

We came home early (it is an early day after all) and I took a 3-hour nap, which has definitely helped improve my mood. Yet, now I feel that haziness returning. I think it’s the cipralex as the only other times I have felt this way is when on other meds like allergy medication or from pure exhaustion. Although I could still be quite tired, I’m gonna go with door number one as the possible reason for my dazed and confused state.

On the other hand, I do sort of feel as if my brain is slowing down a bit. At least I don’t totally jump from activity or thought to another as much – today at least -, so maybe that is good. Still, I should be writing my chapter at this moment, but instead I am posting here. Hahaha πŸ˜€

Well, that’s today’s update. I will probably have to wait until the weekend to get to the Turkey post updates as I am trying to get a bit of work done on the chapter before I chat with my supervisor on Friday…eeek!

-T πŸ˜€

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