Mar 292013

As I typed the title, I realized it could have another meaning…as in releasing a mental break…. I guess my darkish thoughts have not yet passed, but lie hidden underneath with moments of peace, but with occasional reminders that it is still there.

Anyway, spring break has indeed begun and I take off tomorrow for an 11-day tour in Turkey with mi amiga, P. It should be good fun and a much needed break away from my regular life.

It will be the first time to travel to Turkey and with P. So, it should definitely be interesting. I will try the best that I can to update here, though it may have to wait until my return depending on what the Internet connections are like there. πŸ™‚

So, while I probably have a number of worrisome thoughts to write, I am going to save that for now and think about tomorrow!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:01

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