Mar 132013

Now, I’m not really the kind of girl that requires a man to bring her flowers. That’s not to say I don’t love it when it happens, but as R is not the romantic type, bringing me flowers is not on his list of things to do. Luckily, I don’t mind buying my own flowers when I want to add a little bit of life to the apartment.

The other day I saw a post from a friend on FB of her spring tulips and it really made me want to put some flowers in our place.

Although it is already heating up quickly here, the temps have been cool-ish replicating a spring-like feel. So, the other day when I went out grocery shopping, I also picked up a couple bouquets. They are lovely to have and so, this may become a regular part of my interior decor.

08-Mar-2013 18:00, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 160
08-Mar-2013 18:02, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 200

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:33

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