Oct 212012

So, most of last week I was pretty exhausted and felt totally overwhelmed by everything. This weekend I vowed to settle myself and to get my schedule reset so that I could better accomplish what needs to be done.

Then, as I was looking at my calendar, I realized that I needed to remove my NuvaRing. TMI? Well, it’s important to know because once I take it out, I have about two days before Aunt Flo comes for her monthly visit. Suddenly, my feelings from the last week all made sense!

Why write about this, you might ask? Well, I’ve always had very regular and easy monthly hormones. My period never gave me pause and in most months I could easily forget when it was coming or that I was having it at all.

However, this seems to have changed over the past few years and I’m just now starting to understand it. It helps (or not) that my BF always wants to blame my moodiness on it rather than acknowledging or validating my feelings the way they are at the time they come. Still, now that I’m finally processing his point and realizing the change, I think he might have a valid point of his own. I am quite moody and emotional the week before. I have PMS! Yikes…

So, now that I know, I guess I can try to be more aware and offer more insight to my tiredness and grouchiness. Maybe I’ll just send my BF my calendar. πŸ˜€

Thankfully, I feel better already this week (it’s only just begun), and just might get all those things on my long list done.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:12

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