Oct 162012

want to find a new job are the ones when I am reminded just how immature, irresponsible and petty this place is. Sometimes I am unhappy with my colleagues and other times it is with my students.

Today or rather yesterday, it is my students. They don’t want to do homework. They are given an entire week to accomplish 5 readings (30mins a day), 5 Pinterest pin posts, and a discussion post over the weekend. In class they are expected to do other work. Now that it is time to check the homework from the past 5 weeks (none of which they have done), they think we’re too strict and asking too much of them. They think they want classes to be like everyone elses where there is a quiz every week and worksheets full of meaningless practice without production of the language….

Since they think they know better than us teachers who have studied and trained and worked for years in the field, they have gone over our heads to complain. Thankfully, (and surprisingly I can’t complain) my supervisor is respectful and appreciative of our work and different style. Thus, she told the students to hash it out with us. But, seriously, the nerve…the balls…the disrespect in MY culture and world….

It’s these times when I think to myself, what the F*** am I doing here?

My idealistic side wants to say, it’s ok, we’re making a difference even if it is small.

My realistic side wants to say, it’s ok, it’s just the way it is.

My cynical side wants to say, it’s typical, what else did I expect?

My Oregon-from-the-styx side wants to say, bring it on b***es and let’s see what you’ve got!

πŸ˜€ Which side will win?


 Posted by at 08:15

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