Aug 032012

OMG! 20 days left…????? Β πŸ˜€

I know I’m spoiled…It’s not like I’ve already been off for 20+ days, but still we’re almost down to the teens and that makes me sad….

As I start to contemplate a teeeeeennnny tiiiiiny bit about work, I have to really create some clear goals about my focus this next year.

*Do NOT let others stress me out!

*Focus on my classes and do the minimal amount of responsibility required to complete the job.

*Do NOT volunteer or get roped into doing more than is required.
(Why? Because, my PhD work should come first and foremost)

*Try to get out by next academic year when the PhD is complete….consulting or a different job…..

This is what I have to keep my eyes on!

Back to PhDing…(maybe or I might take a break today) πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

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