Jan 042012

So, I’ve been taking some time to mull over my life now that I have time to think. As always, I’m not a resolution kind of person, but I do like goals. Maybe it’s the same thing with a different name – not sure, but it makes me feel better.

Here we go:

1. Finances – Continue to pay off my debts and maintain my budgets so that I am saving, paying and spending according to my salary. This might mean sacrificing on pampering or traveling a bit, but it can be done. πŸ˜‰

2. Relationships – Try to focus more on reaching out to those who are really important to me and not waste time or energy on those who are not. This means perhaps less Facebook time and more letter/email writing, phone chats, and hanging out. I want to balance my friendships, so that we are mutually benefiting from each other’s presence in our lives.

3. Professionally – Focus to finish the PhD according to schedule. Continue to work towards my goals of moving out of the foundation programs and towards an administrative/leadership position or as a full professor in an educational department. This might mean networking more, taking on a bit more responsibility in parts of my work for a season, etc.

4. Spiritually – I will try to refocus my attentions on finding spiritual balance. This may include finding a Bible study or simply reading and praying more regularly. I will not join a church or put myself into communities of discomfort related to religion. Rather, I will seek within myself a reconnection to the divine – God.

5. Myself – It is important for me to remember to take care of me. Thus, I will do regular activities to ensure that my mental health and emotional well-being are being taken care of through my hobbies – continuing pottery, knitting/crocheting -, regular pampering (as it meshes with Goal 1 of my finances), and going out regardless of what the BF is in the mood for. πŸ™‚

I think these five goals about cover all the important aspects of my life. I find that when I am happy and confident in my own activities, I get along better with R and seem to be more successful in the things I take on. A friend told me that “when I’m happy with me, then I can take anything” and this is a good mantra to hold on to.

So, here’s to the adventure of 2012!


 Posted by at 10:51

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