Oct 282011


17-Oct-2011 07:28, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.4, 7.9mm, 0.01 sec, ISO 100



17-Oct-2011 07:28, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.4, 7.9mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 100


Last week, or was it two weeks ago now, was a stretch of strange morning weather. Early in the morning until about 9am or so, there was a crazy mist that covered the country.

This made driving to work rather interesting since visibility was as you can tell from the photos.

Of course, most people continued to drive as if they could see for miles, but luckily we weren’t involved in any altercations or accidents. However, there were reports of them.

Thankfully, the air has cleared and brought some cooler temps, which makes the A/C not as necessary, but we’re not out of the freezers just yet. πŸ˜‰

 Posted by at 12:08

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